Waratah Grand Consistory Meeting – July 2023


Artarmon Masonic Centre on Monday 31st July 2023 saw the advancement of brothers John Morton, Edgar Estoesta and Ben Pamatmat elevated to the 31st Degree as Grand Inspector’s Inquisitor Commander which was well attended by a number of Brethren including the Regional Commander M∴Ill∴Bro Richard Pickering 33°  H∴E∴ Grand Treasurer General. In addition Em͘∴Bro Alex Shaw  32°  CoM joined the Waratah Consistory as an affiliate.

The NSW Sydney Central District Commander David Sully also awarded Ill∴Bro Shane Foley 31°  with a Companion of Merit award for the continued work that Shane has contributed to the District and the Rite.





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