On the evening of 4th February, Payneham St. Aiden Chapter was very pleased to host the District Commander Very Illustrious Brother Bill McBride along with the Regional Commander for Region 5 (SANT) Most Illustrious Brother Andrew Wilson, who was accompanied by the Regional Commander for Region 4 (WA) Most Illustrious Brother Graeme Cucel. The Most Wise Sovereign, Illustrious Brother Michael Patane opened his first meeting after his enthronement and invested a number of officers. M:. Ill:. Bro. Wilson then took the floor at the invitation of the Sovereign, and presented lectures on The Sign of the Good Sheppard and a Contemplation of the meaning of “Consummatum Est”. Interesting discussion points followed these talks, particularly as this Chapter operates using English ritual which displays some differences highlighted through the presentations. The Chapter was closed after a solemn Third Point presented by the District Commander in English style. The Princes then retired for a pleasant refectory where the discussions continued with a well received update on the Rite and Supreme Council from M:. Ill:. Bro. Wilson..
Matt Mann