On Saturday afternoon, 8 March, our District celebrated yet another wonderful meeting of our Rite. ACT Sovereign Council and Canberra Sovereign Chapter held their regular meetings at the Canberra Masonic Centre in Mawson.
The Council was opened at 1pm by the Grand Commander, Em Bro Ken Rowland OAM 32° CoM. The work of the Council was: the Elevation of a Prince to the 30° – Grand Elect Knight Kadosh; followed by the annual Installation of the Grand Commander and the investiture of his Officers. Ill Bro Joseph McGrail-Bateup 30° was Elevated by the skilled and experienced team who had served the Council over the proceeding 12 months. Ken then Installed his successor, Em Bro Dr David Knight 32° CoM, who then invested his Officers who will each serve the Grand Commander and their Council over the ensuing 12 months.
We then retired to the South to enjoy an intermission catered with nibbles and refreshments where we renewed fraternal bonds and indeed established new relationships.
The Chapter was opened at about 3:30pm by the Most Wise Sovereign, Em Bro Dr David Knight 32° CoM. The work of the Chapter was the annual Enthronement of the Most Wise Sovereign (MWS) and the investiture of his Officers. David Enthroned his successor, Ill Bro Alex Szokalski 30°, who then invested his Officers who will each serve the MWS and their Chapter over the ensuring 12 months.
In order to avoid duplication, several notable events occurred at both meetings:
- a number of Petitions for Affiliation were unanimously accepted for: V Ill Bro Ken Bellingham 33°, V Ill Bro Ian McQuillan 33°, Em Bro Peter Clark 32° OoM, Ill Bro Adre De Waal 30° and Ill Bro Percy Fleming 30° (all from Southern Sovereign Council and City of Goulburn Sovereign Chapter).
Also, the District Commander:
- congratulated Em Bro Ken Rowland OAM 32° CoM on his appointment by Supreme Council to the office of District Commander of the new amalgamated District of ACT and NSW South Coast effective 1 July 2025;
- on behalf of Supreme Council presented certificates to: Ill Bro Jade Saunders 31°, MWS Highland St Ninian Sovereign Chapter; Ill Bro Paul Story 30°, and E&P Bro Phil Klein 18°;
- Congratulated the newly Installed Grand Commander, the newly Enthroned MWS, and their respective Officers and wished their Council and Chapter growth and prosperity over the ensuing 12 months;
- welcomed Ill Bro Ian Park 30° visiting from the UK, and presented him with an AASR of Australia Lapel Pin in memory of his visit to our Council and Chapter; and
- encouraged us all to promote our Rite and support our local Lodges for whom we, and all Orders, depend.
We also acknowledged visitors including: Ill Bro Jade Saunders 31°, MWS Highland St Ninian Sovereign Chapter; Em Bro Phillip Rosen 32° CoM, and Ill Bro Simon Vanholland 30°.
Please join me in congratulating: Em Bro Ken Rowland OAM 32° CoM on his appointment to the esteemed office of District Commander ACT & NSW South Coast; the newly Installed Grand Commander Em Bro Dr David Knight 32° CoM; and the Most Wise Sovereign Ill Bro Alex Szokalski 30°.
Roman Cholawinskyj