Waratah Grand Consistory No.4

Welcome to the Warahtah Consistory No.5 information area. Here you will find events, information and news specific to our Consistory. 


Region 3 – 19th Cerneau Demonstration and Presentation of Order of Merit Awards

On Friday July 5th, the St Andrew Sovereign Council hosted a meeting of the Southern Cross Chapter...

(Region 4) Duke of Kent Sovereign Chapter

Region 4 – Duke of Kent Sovereign Chapter – AASR For Australia – The chapter...

District 2 – TGH Jones Sovereign Chapter

13th June – TGH Jones Sovereign Council on the Gold Coast had the pleasure of adding Ill Bro...

Region 2 – Queensland Freemason’s Facebook Group

Region 2 – Calling on all Queensland Members of the Rite. A Freemasons Queensland private...

Region 4 – J A Ellis Sovereign Council

Region 4 (WA) J A Ellis Sovereign Council completed their installation for 2024, prior to this a new...

(Region 4) Northam Sovereign Chapter No 51

(Region 4) Northam Sovereign Chapter No 51 – District Central East Family Day. Today Northam...

21° Patriarch Noachite Region 1

Parramatta Sovereign Council conducted the 21° Patriarch Noachite at the Castle Hill Masonic Centre...

Region 4 (WA) Great Southern Sovereign Council No 34

Region 4 (WA) Great Southern Sovereign Council – Yesterday we installed a new Grand Commander...

Holden Chapter Meeting : 12th Degree performance

The Holden Chapter of Improvement and the Intermediate Degree, is the only place in Region where you...
Chapter NameRegionChapter Preceptor
Holden Chapter of Imprvoement1Em∴ Bro Dan Umali 32° OoM
Coral Sea Chapter of Improvement2Em∴ Bro Howard Beattie, 32°, CoM
Southern Cross Chapter of Improvement3Em∴ Bro Doug Gibb, 32° CoM
Westralia Chapter of Improvement4V∴ Em∴ Bro Derek Sloan, 32°, KCoM
Light of the South Chapter of Improvement5
Lachlan Macquarie Chapter of Improvement6V∴Ill∴ Bro David Padgett, 33°
Tropical North Chapter of Improvement7V∴Ill∴ Bro Alf McDonald, 33°
Tasman Chapter of Improvement8Em∴ Bro S. Zichy-Woinarski, 32° OoM

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